How to return to the beauty

Return beauty - All of our unhealthy lifestyle of the last days is necessarily reflected in the skin. Someone pimples appear as punishment for fatty, sugary foods and alcohol, someone’s skin starts to peel off, and begin torturing someone edema. There are ladies who comprehend all of these and some other misfortune. Therefore it is necessary to deal with complex problems.

Excellent helps to cope with the swelling bath, and not only with edema.

Through sweat come out excess fluid from the body toxins - all of what your body is impregnated. Which is better to go for a bath? Russian steam bath,

Dry Finnish sauna and Turkish bath is a matter of taste. The effect will be positive in any case. In the bath, you can drink herbal teas - both useful and enjoyable.

Swelling from the body will help to remove a bath with a few drops of tea tree oil. Water temperature is 38 degrees, 20 minutes to take a bath.

Generally any bath filled with essential oils, will allow the body to get back to normal faster.

Swelling from the face help to remove special mask: Mix one egg yolk with a teaspoon of liquid honey, add a few drops of natural lemon juice and a couple of false tea cream (can substitute olive oil). Apply this mask on your face a little heated, avoiding the eye area after 20 minutes, rinse.


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