My skin looks better than a regular furnace

This theory but do not want to demolish Anaya, as is the fact that I have again a total of enlarged pores on the nose and around, maybe I can be attributed to the fact that there’s much I cannot really skin putsch, sic me hell reward. But again I heard that the pore size (and even a little bit of fouling) is given genetically.

So I’d ever problem La Prairie, and Shiseido, to those I do not, or rather I have priorities elsewhere, all brands cost a little under, I had a no miracles, it is not. If I got to fat, go ahead and try it for yourself So no, it seems to me and full of fat, but when he meets someone, why not.

I admit that I use creams little, yet Sml54

Dante Alighieri is a sticky, smelly and I do not use it for anything. The shoe store had warned me to not destroy the shoes. By a miracle that it will not take down of the both it attracts dirt. It must be a hell of a good face cream.
But yeah, , cleansed, hydrated, sebum … But the other day I discovered that, after a few days out of the house and I’m a pig and maybe a morning or face, my skin looks better than a regular furnace. Anyway, I found that my skin does a good stay in the interior


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How to return to the beauty

Return beauty - All of our unhealthy lifestyle of the last days is necessarily reflected in the skin. Someone pimples appear as punishment for fatty, sugary foods and alcohol, someone’s skin starts to peel off, and begin torturing... Continue →