Emotional Diet for Weight Loss

If no diet works for you, or it’s hard to lose weight or climb down quickly, then it seems that what you need now is to reach the merits. When there seems no remedy out there to help us either heal or lose weight, we need to consider is the deepest root is causing the problem. Your emotional world, believe it or not, has a powerful influence on your body, which is like a sponge that absorbs and transforms the energy emitted by your emotions in states of health and bodily features. Although you do not realize all the time each of your cells are absorbing this energy of your emotional world.

Depending on the power of your emotions, your body’s feel and look. You can you know what your emotional world if you look at your body and see how it feels and looks. If your body feels sore, tired, depressed, or you see little energetic, jovial or slender, or thin, etc., is that without doubt there is a mixed emotion which is feeding the condition.

The overweight is a result of many things, but their deeper cause is the emotional message that you send to your body so that this somehow behave well. That emotional message usually has to do with how you react to different experiences that befall us. Each person, in their opinion and way of seeing life, responds in a way different from the reality. This reaction depends on how you were raised and our particular way of being and interpret things.


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