- Infallible Teas and Weight Loss Secrets

Lemon tea: is prepared by adding the juice of one juicy lemon to a cup of warm tea and lemon. Babe fasting and eat nothing until you pass half an hour. R This is an excellent remedy for weight loss. Drink this tea fasting and twenty minutes after eating. In addition to helping you burn fat very quickly, cleanse blood and intestines, skin, liver, strengthen your vision, increase your defenses and strengthen all your organs. Take it until you see results.

Infusion of green tea: this tea is one of the darlings on diets to lose weight, is prepared by adding the juice it is very efficient to detoxify the body to dislodge the ball and harder body fat is best taken on an empty stomach, with juice of a lemon squeezed effects to enhance and accelerate results. Drink one cup before breakfast and two when you’re done with lunch and dinner. These last two cups do not need to add lemon.

Infusion of burdock : has diuretic and cleansing properties, helps in diets for weight loss and, in turn, helps the skin is healthy and beautiful, because of its great ability to eliminate toxins from the blood that affect the skin looking younger. Drink two or three cups a day preparing the tea with 2 tablespoons of herb per liter of water Thus include oats in your diet can be done with or obese children and young people who need to lose extra kilos.


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Mind, Mouth and Muscle

It is also important to try to understand more their feelings. When you feel the urge to snack, ask yourself what you really are experiencing at the moment, is it frustration? Stress? Anxiety? Once you have identified your true feelings... Continue →